Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Day 34 -training for benchmark training

Today I learned I may be difficult to work with when group grading students writing.   We are about to grade an ELA benchmark as a whole school and today after school, as Dept. Chair, I had to go receive training on how we are going to score so I can share that with other teachers on the big day of grading. Well, I get very attached to details and what is not in the rubric or why isn't it organized like this or semantics - what does a 3 mean? How can this be a zero? Etc., etc., etc.!!!!  I have been lucky enough to sit with many teachers who really get into calibrating grading and enjoy arguing many points. Today, not so much.  Those times when my questions were welcomed were at voluntary and paid professional developments.  This was a dept. chair obligation with no extra pay, which I think has led to less interest in picking through all of these things.
For students this is merely a practice and the scoring is really only for teachers to be more familiar with what is expected of students.  Which makes this a little frustrating. The district is going to enter all the data in our data base but the data will only be a 0,1,2, or 3.  It will not tell me if a student did well on claim, or evidence or analysis.  Its just one score to reflect how well they did on all three combined.  Which for me to immediately help kids in the class, that number gives me nothing specific to work with.  I will just have to give my own benchmark in my individual class.  AAARGH.  I will assume best intentions on the districts part and hope the teachers learn a lot from this.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day 33 - they did it

Today was blogger with students. We are upping the quality of their on line presence, by pre-writing before we post, clearly identifying our purpose for each post and following a basic thesis and reasoning with evidence outline. I repeated myself a lot today, I re explained about 100 times, I coached people off the edge of giving up and I heard plenty of, " this is too hard", or "this is too confusing".  Every time I heard that I responded with, "it sounds like the learning process."  They did it. 90 students published their first post in their very first published writing, their Community Action Project Blog.  The pre writing outline made a noticeable impact on their writing and I am excited to see how much they grow as writers through this process and reflect on their own learning. Maybe they can fall in love with learning at the same time.

There is a fine line between letting kids quit and refusing to let them quit.
I have to start the last period of the day as if it is the first.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 32- solutions will come

So I have this student in my 11th grade U.S. History course that has been perplexing me and in turn, my mind and ego are creating unnecessary doubts of my teaching abilities.  I have been painfully asking him to stop reading his novel and be with the class and involved with what we are doing.  He tries, he gets bored, picks up his book. He wrote for me in the first assignment this year and couldn't believe when I commented to him how I appreciated his deep thinking but its time to move into utilizing evidence to help explain his thinking and reasoning. " you actually read what I wrote?", was his response.  This statement made me wonder how many students have never heard verbal feedback about their writing from their teachers.  I know teachers always give written feedback, but honestly, I don't think students get much from it- or even read it.  John Hattie in Visible Learning writes about his research on factors that effect learning growth- teacher feedback is a big one- and the sooner the feedback the better.  Written feedback on a paper sometimes gets to a student 2-3 weeks after the assignment was due.  There must be a better way- there is, and technology helps even more with this immediate feedback.  Apps like Nearpod , and google classroom can allow you to see the work as they do it and respond verbally right then and there (or comment- but...).   If you are going to comment on a paper, try using voice comments in google- Kaizena extension works well.
       But I got off student...I asked him what I needed to do to get work out of him, "I really like your teaching -- I just get stuck and frozen".  We are just beginning our industrialization and immigration unit and I have been thinking about the classic novel  Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow. I mentioned to my student what if I gave you some assignments from a novel- before I could finish my sentence his smile occupied his whole face and he became more alive than I have ever seen him.  That was last week, this morning I had the joy of giving him his book.  I told him a few things to look for in the writing style and to first take note of all the people mentioned- they are historical figures we are learning about.  By the end of class today, he managed to stay fairly engaged with us, read two chapters. list out the characters and their descriptors, and suggest to me that he writes detailed summaries after each chapter for homework. Sure- sounds good to me. "That's a good assignment you have created for yourself.  I will add some essay questions to each chapter too. " "Okay, see ya later Ms. MacLean."
hmmm, should the whole class read this novel?

I need to incorporate more fiction options in my US History class.  Common core allows time for this.

My ego will lie to me, if I stay in purpose and intention, solutions will come.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Day 31 - Students need to be heard

TGIF!!! Watsonville HIgh School puts on a yearly show called "Whats in a Name?".  It is about 10 years running and was first started as a result of a lawsuit to the school from the family of an out gay student who was beat up and bullied.  The family thought the school did not protect their son. A judge agreed and one punishment was a mandated LGBTQ/tolerance/bullying/acceptance assembly for the entire school.  The drama teacher Kip Allert and his students were allowed artistic freedom for this assembly and every year the students write a new version of this play.  I saw it for the first time today. WOW! Word on the street is this is one of the best years, but me personally I have nothing to compare it too. I will say I can compare it to other school performances and assemblies as far as student behavior.  There were many times you could hear a pin drop in the Mello (our auditorium)- talk about engaged! Kids want to hear from other kids and thats what this was all about- touching on issues of body image, suicide, rape, consent, sexting, LGBQTIA and the main theme- LOVING YOURSELF, just the way you are.
Proud to be a part of a school that knows how important it is to make these topics visible, accessible and talked about all over campus.

A-ha: Students need to be heard and have places to use/find their voice

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day 30- new territory for me

Been tired all week, someone told me it was because of the season change- but I'm not really seeing any change in the seasons. 90 degrees plus today....crazy.  I guess some people believe the autumnal equinox it self makes you tired. I think my weekend in Big Sur made me tired.  You know how slowing down can slow you down sometimes?
I want to write about an uncomfortable moment I had in the class when an administrator was in my room.  I will preface with a two things - 1) I feel very comfortable with and would call the administrators at my school my friends  2) I had a dream the other night that I got so frustrated with a kid who wouldn't get off his phone and then tried lying about it, that I cussed at him-"Stop f***ing lying to me and stop selling yourself short!" That was scary, but then in my dream I look over and the principal is sitting in my room at a desk. I woke up a little shaken.  (I am not much of a cusser, but that kid does drive me crazy with his phone) 
I gave you that background to explain why I may have been so sensitive today when admin was in my room and a kid says "hey I wanna get out of this class", and another pipes in, " yeah, me too- honestly I don't feel like I belong here". 
So this would be hard to hear with or without an administrative witness.  My dream for yearbook is for everyone to feel like they have an important purpose and that they belong to a powerful team.  The year is young, but I sure didn't anticipate the hardest part of yearbook would be getting kids to want to be there. Students taking an elective that they didn't elect is new territory for me.

A knowing of belonging can fill up empty holes.

Protect my students before I protect myself.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 29 - everything is a blessing in disguise

The computers came for our yearbook class!!! Yep, thats right- the computers that were supposed to be set up over summer in our brand new yearbook lab got overlooked.  It was difficult for me the two days before school started, to open my yearbook room and see it completely empty.  I decided not to react too much and spent very little time in anger and disappointment.  I couldn't.  For one, I cannot survive in a place of helpless complaining. And second, I knew the kids were going to be disappointed so I had to be in solution and acceptance- pushing forth the knowing that everything would work out fine.  So far it has, and today they were really happy to unwrap those boxes and set up the computers.  This is far from a perfect situation, especially since only 11 came from the district warehouse and the others are on hold; but I am hoping they will have a certain pride fro their yearbook lab once they are done building it.  Not a lot of kids can say they built the yearbook and the lab for yearbook. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

With a shift in perspective, everything is a blessing in disguise.

Data is important. Looked at SBAC/CAASP scores today.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Day 28 - they know they know it

Actually blogging from class instead of home-- my partner will be thrilled that I will be able to pay attention to her instead of my Chromebook.
I almost cried twice today during a Kahoot quiz!  I am silly, I know but twice, every single kid in class got an answer correct.  Another hidden joy of Kahoots. Of course this happens on all sorts of tests(one hopes), but there is something powerful about seeing it on the big screen that every single student learned something successfully.  Its powerful for them too- they know they know it.  In the beginning I worried that my English language learners were at an unfair disadvantage in these formative assessments because they are timed and you have to read fast.  But I tell ya, today- they kicked butt on everyone.  Its possible that some of the nerves calmed down because they know what to expect when that horrible music comes on.  Its nice to see proud success on their faces when they are ranked number one and number two in the class. Again- just a simple formative assessment- but so many rewards.

I need to find a way to make filling out reimbursement forms more efficient.

Some teachers get zero reimbursements.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Day 27- sucking in feelings wears a girl out

Too tired to write-  life happened tonight and my kitty (18 yr Old cat) had to go to the vet.  Just an ear infection but a little draining on this day.  I have a tendency to suck in uncomfortable feelings and immediately intellectualize  and rationalize so well that I even convince myself of my perfect explanations on life happenings.  Well, sucking in feelings wears a girl out.  I can scream joyous feelings to the moon, but those others- I place 'em in perfect little boxes.

I need to check in with myself on days when I am tired and see if and/or what feelings are being held in.

Don't want my cat to die.

****Today was a growth spurt- pains and all- maybe get into it tomorrow.*****

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Day 26 - Friday, personal day

( written Sunday) No school for me on this day- which was hard because their was a monumental football game that I missed. You see, our football team was able to play at the Levi's Stadium, home of the 49ers - and I missed it!!!  My prior commitment made it impossible for me to go and explaining that to students was interesting.  They couldn't imagine what was more important- so I had to explain commitments.  Which was hard, because they know I am committed to school pride and cheering on the teams- but it can be hard for them to grasp making a prior commitment and not being able to change one's mind.  They finally got that people were counting on me, whom I made a prior commitment to before we knew about this game.  It took me awhile to accept it too.

Always learning lessons and how lucky am I to be torn between ways to be of service....

Friday, September 18, 2015

Day 25- No complaints whatsoever

( written last night )
Here I am in Big Sur, on a mattress topper in the back of a clack covered Ford Ranger, bloggin away on my chromebook.  A lot of people do not know chromebooks can be used off line- including my students who use no internet as an excuse for not doing homework!  I always knew they worked offline, but this is the first time I am experiencing the ease and reality of mucho access.   
I am on an annual Women’s camping trip and had to take tomorrow off to help set up and prepare for a relaxing, bonding weekend.   I remember last year, I NEEDED this break. Not so much this year.  Like I have posted about in early entries...something is different this year.  Maybe its the blogging thats keeping me grounded in less stress and more presence.  Or maybe its the umpteen million hours of PD I have done the last 4 years.  Or maybe its just one of those years.  I will take it as long as it lasts!  Of course I am grateful to be able to take a day off and enjoy a weekend of nature (as I sit glamping in the truck bed on my chromebook) and hope this break-before I need it- will lead to even more sustainability with my teaching energy.
11th graders came after school to work on their writing assignments, Yearbook picked a theme and almost a cover and I sold 4 T-shirts for the Spirit CLub.   No complaints whatsoever.  
Tomorrow the sub only has to show up for my government classes and take role.  I made a video for my students to watch which explains the lesson completely.  I recommend the tool screencast-o-matic-  easy to use, cheap and versatile for direct instruction or curriculum delivery.

Its way easier for me to reach unwilling students in content based courses as opposed to electives.


Staying positive does not come naturally for most people.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day 24 - it's never too late to be great

Progress report grades due today and I am feeling a little concerned about my 11th graders.  Many students don't get that 11th grade is the most important for college until 12th grade. Right now about 13 of 'em do not have transferable grades.  I mustn't stress about it more than them, I will just keep myself available after school til 5 everyday in hopes they want to make up assignments and take time to re- learn with me.

After school today I had a session with my coach from Stanford. One of my many pd ventures involves the Stanford University Hollyhock Fellowship, a wonderful two year program for teachers with 8 years and less, who want to hone their craft through 2 summers of intensives living at the dorms and then yearlong observations and coaching.  Its been very powerful for my practice and has helped me articulate my teaching goals.  Anyway today, we talked about what kind of data I will collect for the academic interventions I plan on doing with home visits.  I called one parent yesterday for a home visit and she assured me she will make sure her son shows up to school, even if she has to sit with him in class. Not ready for a home visit.  This inquiry into the impact of home visits may result in finding that no parent wants one, so they just stay more on top of their kids.  But part of my wanting to do home visits is not to frighten the students into doing better and wanting more; its so I could get to know them better and possibly make their learning more relevant and have more ways to connect to them in the classroom.
We'll see. I have set the date of October 9th to have made 3 home visits, which leaves enough time in the semester to see if it makes an impact.

Students need smaller classes and way more one on one time. I know this seems like a no-brainer- but it really hit me today when I had the opportunity to work one on one with a few students after school and saw their eyes and minds light up with clarity and understanding. 

Its never too late to be great.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day 23 - finally taking the risk

Feeling like my mind is racing and there are so many things to write about, but it is late and I am working on being concise.  First thing- my step count was really low today!  Usually I average 10-11,000 steps a day as a teacher but today I barely made 3,000.  I sat at my desk today during a good portion of my classes, while students were taking a mastery assessment.  I walked a round a little, but mostly on my a**, grading papers and assessments.  I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a sitting job. Before teaching I was a bartender and a waitress, so I have spent most of my life on my feet and then laying down to sleep at night.  Not a big sitter. I do love the feeling of laying down though.  When your whole body takes a deep breath and you feel all the bones and muscles kind of fall into each other. And then, I fall immediately asleep.  Without a doubt, I am truly grateful for my ability to get a solid nights sleep.  Without sleep, i don't think I would enjoy my students as much.
So after their assessment today, I introduced to my senior Government class, their Community Action Project(w.i.p.).  Maybe not the best timing, right after a test, but I sure was excited! The project is very similar to genius hour projects and my incarnation is much inspired by Kevin Brookhouser's the 20Time Project and a presenter I saw at the Cue Conference last spring, Andrew Moriates.  I have seen Kevin Brookhouser present a few times and am using his book to guide many of my decisions about this project.  It comes from a colleagues existing senior project but I am trying to free it up as much as possible-getting away from the project being a final and just like so many community service projects seniors do all over country.  Of course those projects are great, but Kevin's book really keeps me fresh in possibility and creativity, making sure my students are not doing this for a grade; but rather for the learning and hopefully fueled by their own passion and heart.  Making it a final, kills all of that.  So it will not be their final although, they will work on it all year and be graded at checkpoints and through their blogs.  Many people are doing these types of projects and I am glad I am finally taking the risk.

I am physically built for teaching.

Students are excited when I'm excited.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Day 22- Procrastination 1- Chrissy 0

Today I was not as prepared as I thought I was.  Things have been smooth so I didn't super prep before I left my class on Friday, and I felt it in two ways today.  Way number one- got to school earlier than usual to set up for first period and guess what??? That's right, the internet was down with access to all my files and items I was to prepare!  Procrastination 1- Chrissy 0.   SO this put me behind and my rambunctious happy 11th graders really needed a super prepared teacher today-- not the  "hang on 1 minute let me get this ready teacher"(way #2) . The lesson was rich nonetheless, but I imagine-I mean, I know- that had I been more prepared the students would've had an opportunity to go deeper with our Mexican American War Role Play/Tea Party.  We did a Howard Zinn reading as a class afterwards, in which the students were able to hear the history of their characters in more of the context.  Usually the tea party itself is my favorite part of this lesson, but today I preferred the reading.  The students were very attentive(quiet), engaged and willing to read. I've been reading different articles/blogs that are changing my desire to have everyone read and challenge them in my class, so today- no round robin or popcorn reading. I read to them at first.  Then asked if anyone was dying to read- hands went up!!! These were strong readers that kept the class interested.  I would jump in, then one of them.  This is not a researched practice, but it worked today. And it calmed them down and me down.

"New teacher" feelings never go away.

Kids of all ages (people) like being read to.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Day 21- I'm only human

First home football game Friday night so it was a looong day.  I am writing my Friday reflections in bed on Sunday morning, with my cat draped across my arms making it a little hard to use the keyboard.
Government all day on Fridays and the students were grappling with Supreme Court cases and trying to predict the ruling and figuring out which part of the Constitution would be used as evidence to back up their predictions.  Wrapping up our unit on knowing how the Constitution works and how it is used today.  Each table was interpreting the Constitution a little differently for their cases and finding different things unconstitutional.  This was EXACTLY what I had hoped for!!!! I think they are understanding that there is no right or wrong answer here; its about how well you can defend constitutionality of the case and/or their answer to the question of the case.  It is not about right or wrong, but rather who has the most compelling argument. These kind of questions take a lot of listening skills- so we are working on them.  There are so many examples of people in government these days not listening to each other, that I hope in our class students can learn how to listen to and learn from each other.  Coming to consensus and allowing for ones mind to be changed and/or see more points of view is imperative for the future these kids are entering.

Just because I know something is the right thing to do doesn't mean I always do it. I can make excuses to myself why I can do it later.  MUST make a home visit this week and call some parents about "F"s.

reminder:  I'm only human.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Day 20 - Young, wild and free

Highlight for today was watching and listening to my students take a quiz.  The tech boom has produced some great formative assessment tools for the classroom.  Kahoot and quizzizz are all the rage these days.  My students were screaming, hollering and laughing--- and learning, believe it or not.  The music to my ears was when they were done, they said--"lets do it again, lets take that quiz again!"  These quick and easy tools make kids like taking quizzes, which has led me to do a lot more formative assessment where we all get immediate feedback.  The hard part sometimes, is calming them down afterwards.  I am being specially explicit and transparent about transitions in my 11th grade US History class.  To keep the class varied with different types of learning activities, my students have to be able to change modes.  I have been stressing this hard core and today the transition to explaining the homework before we left - after that wild quiz, wasn't so smooth.  It took them a few to calm down and focus.   But they finally did, and that's all that matters sometimes.

Maybe I should make them earn the right to take those quizzes??? (That'd be a fence painting Tom Sawyer move right there!)

The kids see right through me; they know I love hearing their laughter while they act young, wild and free.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day 19 - universal fear of the future

I have been purposefully slow guiding my yearbook students and waiting for them to grab the handles.  Today one of my students expressed her concern for us meeting our deadlines (which the class, nor her are privy to yet) and suggested I just start telling students exactly what to do instead of waiting for them to discover what they want to do.   This was very eye opening to me. For one, I didn't realize this early in the year kids would carry that much stress around the yearbook and secondly it made me remember that my more hands off, discovery process can be very scary and foreign to many people. Teachers, colleagues and students alike.  I feel kind of bad, or like I might be doing something wrong- because I am not concerned at all for us meeting our deadlines (yet).  Which deep down I think means I am doing something right.  But still, it dawned on me that this student (and probably, less vocal others) needs a little more structure.  And it is true, this is my first big yearbook and first time teaching the class so I have not even laid out an entire year structure yet.
My quick solution today to help ease this students universal fear of the future and her need for clarity and security, was to assign her calendar powers.  Meaning, she now has full administrative power to our yearbook job calendar and students will go to her to sign up for picture taking activities and jobs.  Students all lined up to her desk and got themselves on the calendar.  Now I better get to work on my year plan for her (and me).

Oh yeah, one of the most fun things I did today was apply for a scholarship to a Watsonville foundation for some marching band equipment.  I want my spirit club, CatzNation to have ways to make more noise at games and according to high school sport by-laws, the only way they can do that is if they are a band (3 or more instruments).  I requested cymbals,  a snare marching drum and a bass marching drum.  I guess I'm going to learn some marching tunes(or make some up!)

Constructive student feedback is actually a compliment to one's teaching (a complement, too).

Being on time to meetings is important as a respect to my school and my colleagues.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 18 - a part of something

At the end of my day, I sit here and think what can I write about today that is short and sweet- because a lot goes on any day at any school. Being a blog and not a novel, I can only write so much.  I have yet to think, "I'm gonna write about that tonight"- it really is a quick reflection of a few things that stick with me, in retrospect.
Right now for some reason I am thinking about my CatzNation students and my yearbookers.  CatzNation is a school spirit club/class that has been around forever and whose main purpose is to keep spirit up at games and events around school.  We have our first home football game this Friday and I think they are excited.  I know I am.  I love screaming and yelling -and chanting, lets go Wildcatz!!! I think that's why the admin asked me to take over this group.  But really, I get a lot of joy out of being with the kids at events and meeting their families.   Feeling like we are a part of something- because we are.
Yearbook is beginning to feel that way.  I want the kids to know they have a big purpose in archiving the year and a mission of including everyone.  They're getting it. And I want them to know they are important, even when they don't have a camera in their hands.

When you change your shoe style, people really notice. Dansko's are a teachers dream.

Its okay to wear shorts to school when its this hot. (and a student said, I think teachers should wear whatever they want. I don't think I agree, but wearing shorts tomorrow!)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Day 17- Three day weekend already??!!

Started off a little slow Friday morning.  Most of us were at school until 8:30+ for back to school night and returning by 7:15 makes for a pretty quick turn around.  I propose ( or will at next Cabinet) that the day after Back to- school night or Open House, school starts at 9 - so we an all sleep in a little. A colleague of mine also suggested that we have our teacher work day the next day, so at least we aren't tired for our students. They both sound good to me.
Its the Weekend!!!!! Play!!!!
My highlight on Friday was watching students help each other and witnessing this desire to do well begin turning in to a desire to learn and grow.  This year I am emphasizing that growth mindset and focusing on modeling metacognition as often as possible.  I think students hearing me talk about my thinking process will spark them to listen to their own thinking process and enable them to witness their own growth consciously- without focusing on a grade or only counting a grade as important.  I did tell all my students this year, if it was up to me we wouldn't have grades. Stop obsessing on grades and lets look at how we grow and learn!  That means I need to be on top of feedback in a different way.  SO we are all learning and growing in this process.  My feedback is getting more specific and more timely.  
We also signed up for Newsela, which allows me to make text sets of current events and track their reading growth all year.  

It gets easier to love students every year.

Eyes on the prize: its the learning, not a grade.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day 16 - Back to School Night

I'm never sure exactly what to expect at back to school night except knowing for sure, that one kid whose name I keep messing up will walk in with a parent or guardian and my heart will sink and I will start panicking- casually trying to glimpse the sign in sheet just to make sure I don't mess up.  Ya, that's happened every time.  Ya, that happened tonight.  But even more confusing parents started coming to my room whose kids are not my students- talk about moments of panic freak out.  I figured out the problem before too much sweat was dropped.  But most of the night I saw proud parents and kids; families supporting each other; parents with tears in their eyes when I thank them for having their children and being there for them.  It makes a difference and I know it isn't easy.  No one followed the back to school night schedule which made it a little chaotic but I was able to spend some quality moments with both parents and students.
My Spanish speaking parents are patient with my Spanish and they always kindly slow down their speaking for me.  Tonight was a community full of graciousness and praise.

Next year, I will Kahoot the parents - survey style!

Put out name tags for everyone!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Day 15 - collab0ration...

My colleagues deserve and need love just as much as my students do.  If I would've remembered this today, I might be more excited by my leadership and the meeting we had today.  Today, I got trapped into the "nobody likes these meetings and they are just a waste" thinking. So instead of stepping up my game, like I would for students who might feel this way about school- I just ran the meeting and did my job.  Very uninspired, I might add.  I felt the meeting dying and my soul laying flat- so I asked everyone to share about victories and/or good news before we closed the meeting.  It helped me enjoy them and the meeting more. Plus, its kind of inspiring hearing teachers talk about things that are victories- which many people may not even notice.

A-ha:  I need to step up my leadership and take some risks.

Reminder: Teachers need each other for inspiration and support.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 14: I need them as much as they need me

It is still only a few weeks into school and am a bit of a sunshiny optimist, but I swear I am not making these good days up!  I just now received an email from a student - "you are the best teacher ever(: I really enjoy being in your class" .     So of course, I would love for this statement to be followed up with specific evidence or an example- and maybe the correct emoji- but I will definetely take it anyway.  I must celebrate these moments for all of us who make kids feel this way and maybe don't get to hear it.  She sent me an email about putting in an assignment and I responded with a thanks for your effort in class.  SOmetimes thats all a kid needs to think you are the best teacher. Of course we all reach kids in our different ways, with our different styles for different learners- but this email is another reminder for me of the power of simply reaching out to a kid - even with one sentence.  
I get choked up and teary eyed when I think of how much love for mankind my students inspire in me. 
I need them as much as they need me.  I'll have to remember to them that tomorrow. 

A-ha : see above statement

Reminder: students do read my emails