No students to teach or test to give, but I feel like I can't get anything done. Helped with graduation practice, did some yearbook finances, sold some yearbooks, cleared out one drawer, sent a few emails, finished some grades, but lawdee lawdee lawd...I cannot find the time to sit long enough to grade the US History essays. I hope tomorrow is the day...but not looking good with graduation practice and a very long Cabinet meeting.
Today seemed forever and a day. We honored many folks leaving and staying at our school today but there were definite awkward , uncomfortable, sad moments. One teacher made her goodbye statement with a song on her ipod and some signs she held up. There was definite animosity in the signs and I'm not sure anyone knew how to react. Prior to the signs there were folks speaking undeniably about her worth and impact, so the juxtaposition just threw me.

The day/ night ended with a Senior Sunset Dinner and the kids enjoyed the food(except my veggie riblets), the music, the games, the company and definitely the water balloon war at the end- along with a baby pool dunk.
A-ha: Mole and brussels sprouts!!!!

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