Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 57 - Rain, field trips, and deadlines

There were 7 students in my first period, as many were on a field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Cannery Row.  Those at Cannery Row were supposed to take pictures of any person, place or thing that reminded them of the American ideals we have been studying: democracy, liberty, rights, opportunity, and equality. Students will then make a movenote about "How Cannery Row defines America".  It was actually a student asking me if they were going to get "another one of those photo assignments" that inspired me. The other kids were probably not to happy when I accosted them with an assignment handout before they boarded the bus.
Yearbook had a "deadline" today which was met by a few students, but in better news I convinced my Editor-in-Chief not to quit. There are some strong personalities in there, that are not the easiest to lead and quiet ones that aren't easy to lead either. Overall, its a great bunch of kids that have a lot of talent and desire to create, but are still learning the class is work, like a job, with deadlines.  They crammed and stepped up today, so I think they are getting it.  My editor in chief sent me an email last night trying to resign(quit) because it is much harder than she expected and "nobody listens" to her.  Today she said she didn't even know why I chose her.   There was no way I was going to let her quit, especially after hearing that. I asked her what would she learn if she quit, and she said. "to quit when things get hard". She doesn't want to learn that so she decided, very adamantly, that she wants to stay editor in chief. I think she'll be stoked later.

A-ha: People quit because they believe the lie that they are not good enough or deserving enough.

Reminder: Letting go of outcomes really helps me see things through.

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