Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 63 - feels like Friday

There wasn't anything amazing about my teaching on Tuesday, but I felt so light that everything seemed easy. We were laughing and learning and time flew by.   Opening Executive branch unit in Gov., and I think the kids like learning about Presidents because its something they understand already- its not as intimidating.  They don't have to wrap their head around some obscure concept, just allow for expansion and deeper learning.  Next week however as we get into the bureaucracy of the Executive Branch, it may get a bit more foreign to them and I am still trying to figure out how I can help them grasp all the different parts of the Executive branch and attach some meaning or prior learning to it.  Its always been the difficult part of teaching the Executive branch.
We had a fun nighttime rally to hype up for our rivalry football game on Friday, and watching the kids all dancing in unison ( I think they were doing the payaso de rodeo) is always heartwarming.  I sponsored a karaoke from for the Class of 2016- only a few kids found me, but boy did they have fun and they sounded good too! Its fun to dance and run and yell in the schools quad at nighttime!

A-ha: I prefer a midweek day off than a three day weekend.

Reminder:  I am allowed to take a personal day if I ever wanted to or even needed to.

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