Thursday, November 19, 2015

Day 69- I better check in with some other folks...

I'm feeling a little abused today. I had a parent/student/teacher conference today after a student left class today instead of letting me hang onto her phone for the remainder of the class.  She is failing and does not need to miss any days.  I guess the abuse I am letting happen because I keep repeating in my head,something she said in the conference.  "Everybody says you never help us and you give too many assignments." Mind you at this same time 5:15 P.M. there were 14 students in my room.  I do not like to get into blaming or defensive conversations, so I did not negate her accusation- I recognized, out loud to her that she is feeling not seen and made a promise to put extra effort into recognizing her calls for help.  But, I asked her to promise to read the directions at least twice after I explain them before she calls for me.  Still I can't help but hear her voice, "everybody says you don't help us...".  I know this is not true, but I also know about 40 percent of the students in that class need help, a lot of the time, and I am not able to always help everyone. I convinced her if she actually reads the directions a few times, she could probably help people too. And I better check in with some other folks...

Maybe some students see me as unavailable with all my busyness.

Double check for understanding.


  1. I can sympathize with your feelings! Sometimes though it is better to speak your mind and say something about the fact that a lot of students come to your classroom after school. That is not negative at all, and it makes the student in question reflect on your side of the story.

    1. yes, I hear you- I have been reflecting on that interaction quite a bit. But guess who was in my class after school today? Baby steps...


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