Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day 103 - "A long short day"

 "A long short day", as one of my colleagues put it.  Wednesday ends at 1:15 but the meetings seem to go on and on and on. A full day with 6 classes wears me out a little too.  They are shorter but it is a lot of wham, bam, here's a bunch of information, I hope you understand!
However today was a bit different; my seniors were working on their CAP(Community Action Project) proposals and preparing for their elevator pitch.  It is different to have a project that we have been dabbling in all year and see them think, " oh, we are still doing this???".  Some students today got right to work were happy to get specific with their plans and others wanted to change their whole project.  And still others tried to not use the time wisely at all.  These types of student driven activities can be risky and inconsistent- but I believe the risk and our end products will make it all worth it!

A-ha: People are not really registering the severity of CA/US teacher shortage.

Reminder: Keep your eyes on the prize

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